Dinette magazine no22, topography

Dinette magazine no22, topography
Issue 022 entitled Topography explores the territory. With the greatest humility, we travel from the fine furrows to the greatest canyons, we run our fingers over the marks of time and we descend the steep slopes of the landscape. Between rocky peaks, abundant waters and peaty plateaus, nature reveals itself in its most impressive panoramas. It lets us enter its mineral heart, lets us run on its valleys and invites us to climb its thousand-year-old summits. Levels, altitudes, reliefs and matter are in the foreground as we study the horizon in all its immensity and diversity.
The number 022 "Topography" presents :
The gathering of pepper from the dunes
Lichen in the kitchen
The revolutionary seeds of Pascal Poot
Alexis Christodoulou's surreal landscapes
The hunt for specialty coffee in Costa Rica
Exploring the peaks of Montenegro
Ice climbing here in Quebec
Shepherding in the mountains of Te Hapu
And much more!
Details :
196 pages
Offset printing
Velvety soft touch cover
Printed in Quebec
Publication date: March 24, 2022
About Dînette Magazine
Dînette is a world of discoveries, recipes, beautiful photos, original reports, custom illustrations and interviews. It explores the world of food with an epicurean eye through encounters, exchanges, and escapades. Dînette plunges the reader into a world where food is a medium for expressing spontaneity. We don't eat just because we have to, we eat because it is a way to appreciate all the beauty of the world.